Etre post-doc aux Etats-Unis...
Bruce Beutler, an immunologist at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, agrees, noting that he often tells graduate students to hurry up on projects he knows are in a race with another group. He points out that working weekends means you are putting in 40% more effort than someone working only weekdays. "In a foot race, it never gets to be 40% apart — someone wins by just a few steps. People should really put everything in that they can," he says. Staying extremely focused is what led his group to be the first to show that a class of mammalian receptors sense bacterial invaders.
Je n'aimerais pas trop être post-doc dans ce labo... J'avais déjà été un brin surpris par cette propension locale à "quantifier" son travail ou son efficacité au travail à coup de pourcentage (genre "aujourd'hui, je suis fatigué, je ne travaille qu'à 75-80% de mes possibilités"), mais là ...
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